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Jason Silverstein

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  1. Chris, Thanks. Not sure how that got changed but I thought it might have been something I did. Jason~
  2. Hi, When I logged into HyperSkill this morning, I noticed that that 'A' and 'D' keys are now working differently in the editor vs the simulation. When in the editor the 'W', 'A', 'S', and 'D' keys work properly and strafe the camera in the 4 directions, however when I load a simulation the 'A' and 'D' keys just rotate the player instead of strafe. I have included a video showing the issue. Please let me know if there is a setting that I have changed somehow. Thanks. RotateorStrafe.mp4
  3. Oh wow that's fast! Thanks and I look forward to the update.
  4. Okay, great! Do you know approximately how long that will be?
  5. Hi, I found that when you use a Rejected Intent in a simulation as a Rule or a Transition, it works properly through a web browser, but does not work in VR. I am uploading a video of showing a simulation with only 2 rules. One that triggers on a Voice Intent and the other that triggers on a Rejected Intent. In the 1st portion of the video through the web browser Chrome, everything works properly. However, when I transition to VR, only the Voice Intent works properly and the Rejected Intent Rule never triggers. Please let me know how I can get Rejected Intents to work in VR. Thanks. VR Rejected Intent Not Working.mp4
  6. Google Doc with screenshotsI am linking a file that shows the following. When I create a simulation called 'Feedback Test' I can create performance notes and can show the notes in the Feedback log. However, in the simulation CHR Interview, when I go to show the feedback log, it says that it is pulling the feedback log from "Data hall simulation VR" which is not one of my simulations. Thanks. Jason~
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